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per month for 65 simultaneous connections to chat
Chats countUnlimited
Participants countUnlimited
Without ads
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Synchronization with messengers
Additional customization
Chat history
Slow mode sending
Deleting own messages
Editing own messages
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About billing
Chatbro billing assume pay per use model like AWS (Amazon Web Services). You charged proportionally to system load your chat creates.
How is the cost calculated and when the charges occurs?
The balance is decreased every hour. The amount depends on the online number in your chat. Only web connections are calculated. Synced chats does not affect.
What does it mean 'web connections'?
Your site visitors makes web connections. After the chat is loaded in the users browser it makes connection to our servers.

How can I find out the costs of my chat?
During the first free month we'll collect stats and show the average costs. Also you can understand the costs selecting you average unique visitors per day on the graph above. For example the site with 13500 unique visitors per day will cost 10 USD per month.