
Custom VK Bot

For synchronizing a web chat with a VK group chat, there is no pre-configured standard bot available. Therefore, you'll need to create your own bot.

How it works?

To connect a chat bot, you can use any of your VKontakte communities - a group, an event, or a public page. Your bot must adhere to the rules, you can find more details about them here (

Keep in mind that the bot will broadcast everything that users from the website or Telegram write. So, if you're not confident in your audience, it's best not to use a large or official group. It's recommended to create a separate one for this purpose.

Bot Creation Process

Navigate to the "Communities" tab and select "Create a Community."

Input the required information and then click on the "Create Community" button.

Go to "manage" tab

Navigate to the "API Usage" tab and click on the "Create Token" button.

Choose "Allow access to community management" and "Allow access to community messages," then click the "Create" button.

The system will generate a new access_token for you. Copy it; we'll need it later when connecting the bot to Chatbro. Next go to the "Long Poll API" tab.

Enable Long Poll API and select version 5.92. Then, go to the tab for selecting event types.

Check "Message received," "Message sent," and "Message edited." Then, go to the "Messages" tab.

Choose "Community messages" as "Enabled" and click "Save." Then, proceed to the "Bot settings" tab.

Once again, click "Enabled" and choose "Ability to add this community to chats." Remember to save your changes.

Connecting the Bot to ChatBro

Navigate to your Chatbro profile, choose the "Bots" tab, and then click on the "NEW BOT" button.

Within the modal window that appears, opt for "Telegram," paste the obtained access token from settings, and then click on the "ADD" button.

If all steps were executed correctly, your bot will be visible with the status "Working."

Synchronization of Web Chat and VK Conversation

Let's begin by adding the community to the chat of our choice.

Choose the one you want and click "Invite".

Navigate to chat settings.

Grant the community access to all messages.

Let's attempt to synchronize the chat. To do this, type "@" and choose the community. Then, type "sync" and send it.

In response, you will receive a link that can be used to synchronize the chats.

Example of successful synchronization.