
Custom Telegram Bot

Chatbro offers seamless synchronization between your web chats and Telegram groups, supergroups and channels. By default, we employ our dedicated bot, @ChatbroBot, to fulfill this purpose.

However, if you wish to personalize your synchronization bot to align with the theme of your group, you have the option to create and integrate your own bot into our platform. It will operate in a similar fashion to our @ChatbroBot.

How it works?

To initiate the procedure, you need to establish and set up a fresh bot via the official Telegram bot known as @Botfather. Although you can utilize an existing bot, but to mitigate potential conflicts, we strongly advise generating a new one.

Every Telegram bot is allocated a unique access key referred to as an access_token. This access key serves as the link through which our system can receive events from the bot and sync messages. You will be required to integrate this key into your Chatbro account.

Bot Creation Process

If you already have a bot, proceed to the subsequent section.

Open the Telegram app and search for @BotFather.

Click “Start” to activate the Bot.

As a response, you will receive a list of commands for bot management. Enter the /newbot command and send it.

Follow the instructions provided by the bot. Firstly, assign a name to your bot. Secondly, establish a unique username for your bot.

Upon confirming the username, you will receive a response message containing an access token.

Getting token for an existing bot

If you already possess the access token, proceed to the next section.

Open the Telegram app and search for @BotFather.

Click “Start” to activate the Bot.

As a response, you will receive a list of commands for bot management. Enter the /token command and send it.

As a response, you will receive a list of your bots. Select the one you desire from the list.

In response, you will be provided with an access token.

Connecting the Bot to ChatBro

Navigate to your Chatbro profile, choose the "Bots" tab, and then click on the "NEW BOT" button.

Within the modal window that appears, opt for "Telegram," paste the obtained access token from @BotFather, and then click on the "ADD" button.

If all steps were executed correctly, your bot will be visible with the status "Working."

Revoke access

If you opt to remove your bot from the Chatbro system, follow the outlined steps below.

Deactivate the bot in your Chatbro profile.

Access your Chatbro profile, navigate to the "Bots" tab, locate your bot, and click the "pause" button.

Allow some time for the bot to cease its operations.

Next, proceed to revoke the bot's access token via Telegram.

Open the Telegram app and search for @BotFather.

Click “Start” to activate the Bot.

As a response, you will receive a list of commands for bot management. Enter /mybots command and send it.

As a response, you will receive a list of your bots. Select the one you desire from the list.

Click on the "API Token" button.

Click on the "Revoke Token" option. This action will generate a new token and render the previous one invalid.

The bot will send a message confirming the successful revocation of the token.